
Douro Railway (from Pocinho till Barca de Alva)

offers on website: website: website: website: website: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: IP Património/REFER Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: IP Património/REFER Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: The railway has a 200 Km extension from Porto till Barca de Alva near the border with Spain. The potential greenway it’s the last kilometers between Pocinho and Braca de Alva in a extension of 29 Km. There are only two big stations in the last 29 km; all the other buildings are small train stops. The railway has a 200 Km extension from Porto till Barca de Alva near the border with Spain. The potential greenway it’s the last kilometers between Pocinho and Braca de Alva in a extension of 29 Km. There are only two big stations in the last 29 km; all the other buildings are small train stops. The railway has a 200 Km extension from Porto till Barca de Alva near the border with Spain. The potential greenway it’s the last kilometers between Pocinho and Braca de Alva in a extension of 29 Km. There are only two big stations in the last 29 km; all the other buildings are small train stops. The railway has a 200 Km extension from Porto till Barca de Alva near the border with Spain. The potential greenway it’s the last kilometers between Pocinho and Braca de Alva in a extension of 29 Km. There are only two big stations in the last 29 km; all the other buildings are small train stops. Total distance: 19386 mTotal climbing: 3 mTotal descent: 0 m Total distance: 19386 m Total distance: 19386 m Total climbing: 3 m Total climbing: 3 m Total descent: 0 m Total descent: 0 m The railway it’s always near the Douro River, the view is amazing. There is a historic train from Pocinho to Porto. On the Spanish side it has been created the Iron Road for tourist use Credits: Espirito Viajante Considering the characteristics, user can currently hike. In the future, if the line were to become a greenway, it will depend on the type of surface that can be installed on the ground. Credits: The Brave Ones Potential users are pedestrians, bicycles, mountain bikes, runners and horse riders. There is no information on a plan for trasforming this railway into a greenway. At this moment the railway it’s abandoned. The railway it’s always near the Douro River, the view is amazing. There is a historic train from Pocinho to Porto. On the Spanish side it has been created the Iron Road for tourist use Credits: Espirito Viajante Considering the characteristics, user can currently hike. In the future, if the line were to become a greenway, it will depend on the type of surface that can be installed on the ground. Credits: The Brave Ones Potential users are pedestrians, bicycles, mountain bikes, runners and horse riders. There is no information on a plan for trasforming this railway into a greenway. At this moment the railway it’s abandoned. The railway it’s always near the Douro River, the view is amazing. There is a historic train from Pocinho to Porto. On the Spanish side it has been created the Iron Road for tourist use Credits: Espirito Viajante Considering the characteristics, user can currently hike. In the future, if the line were to become a greenway, it will depend on the type of surface that can be installed on the ground. Credits: The Brave Ones Potential users are pedestrians, bicycles, mountain bikes, runners and horse riders. There is no information on a plan for trasforming this railway into a greenway. At this moment the railway it’s abandoned. The railway it’s always near the Douro River, the view is amazing. There is a historic train from Pocinho to Porto. On the Spanish side it has been created the Iron Road for tourist use Credits: Espirito Viajante Considering the characteristics, user can currently hike. In the future, if the line were to become a greenway, it will depend on the type of surface that can be installed on the ground. Credits: The Brave Ones Potential users are pedestrians, bicycles, mountain bikes, runners and horse riders. There is no information on a plan for trasforming this railway into a greenway. At this moment the railway it’s abandoned. The railway it’s always near the Douro River, the view is amazing. There is a historic train from Pocinho to Porto. On the Spanish side it has been created the Iron Road for tourist use The railway it’s always near the Douro River, the view is amazing. There is a historic train from Pocinho to Porto. On the Spanish side it has been created the Iron Road for tourist use The railway it’s always near the Douro River, the view is amazing. There is a historic train from Pocinho to Porto. On the Spanish side it has been created the Iron Road for tourist use The railway it’s always near the Douro River, the view is amazing. There is a historic train from Pocinho to Porto. On the Spanish side it has been created the Iron Road for tourist use Credits: Espirito Viajante Credits: Espirito Viajante Credits: Espirito Viajante Credits: Espirito Viajante Credits: Espirito Viajante Credits: Espirito Viajante Credits: Espirito Viajante Credits: Espirito Viajante Considering the characteristics, user can currently hike. In the future, if the line were to become a greenway, it will depend on the type of surface that can be installed on the ground. Considering the characteristics, user can currently hike. In the future, if the line were to become a greenway, it will depend on the type of surface that can be installed on the ground. Considering the characteristics, user can currently hike. In the

Douro Railway (from Pocinho till Barca de Alva) Read More »

Tua Railway (from Carvalhais till the Tua Station)

website: website: website: website: website: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: IP Património/REFER Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: IP Património/REFER Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: This is a long railway with 58,138 Km, the region it’s Trás-os-Montes, and this is a mountain area with hills, cliffs, valleys and lots of tunnels and bridges. Most of the railway goes always near the Tua River till the place where the Tua River connects Douro River that follows across the Douro valley till the Atlantic Ocean in the city of Porto. This is a long railway with 58,138 Km, the region it’s Trás-os-Montes, and this is a mountain area with hills, cliffs, valleys and lots of tunnels and bridges. Most of the railway goes always near the Tua River till the place where the Tua River connects Douro River that follows across the Douro valley till the Atlantic Ocean in the city of Porto. This is a long railway with 58,138 Km, the region it’s Trás-os-Montes, and this is a mountain area with hills, cliffs, valleys and lots of tunnels and bridges. Most of the railway goes always near the Tua River till the place where the Tua River connects Douro River that follows across the Douro valley till the Atlantic Ocean in the city of Porto. This is a long railway with 58,138 Km, the region it’s Trás-os-Montes, and this is a mountain area with hills, cliffs, valleys and lots of tunnels and bridges. Most of the railway goes always near the Tua River till the place where the Tua River connects Douro River that follows across the Douro valley till the Atlantic Ocean in the city of Porto. Total distance: 39993 mTotal climbing: 5 mTotal descent: -139 m Total distance: 39993 m Total distance: 39993 m Total climbing: 5 m Total climbing: 5 m Total descent: -139 m Total descent: -139 m This 58,138 Km long railway has lots of small stations in almost all villages that are crossed by the railway, eg. the village of Carvalhais. The biggest and most beautiful train station it’s in the city of Mirandela. Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Considering the characteristics, the potential activities are cycling, walking, running and skating.   Credits: Duarte Belo Potential users are Pedestrians, Runners, Bikes and Mountain Bikes, Skaters or Roller Skaters. For the horse riders it will depend on the surface that they will put in the greenway in the future because a hard surface it will be bad of the horses. At this moment for this 58,138 Km there’s no known plan. This 58,138 Km long railway has lots of small stations in almost all villages that are crossed by the railway, eg. the village of Carvalhais. The biggest and most beautiful train station it’s in the city of Mirandela. Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Considering the characteristics, the potential activities are cycling, walking, running and skating.   Credits: Duarte Belo Potential users are Pedestrians, Runners, Bikes and Mountain Bikes, Skaters or Roller Skaters. For the horse riders it will depend on the surface that they will put in the greenway in the future because a hard surface it will be bad of the horses. At this moment for this 58,138 Km there’s no known plan. This 58,138 Km long railway has lots of small stations in almost all villages that are crossed by the railway, eg. the village of Carvalhais. The biggest and most beautiful train station it’s in the city of Mirandela. Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Considering the characteristics, the potential activities are cycling, walking, running and skating.   Credits: Duarte Belo Potential users are Pedestrians, Runners, Bikes and Mountain Bikes, Skaters or Roller Skaters. For the horse riders it will depend on the surface that they will put in the greenway in the future because a hard surface it will be bad of the horses. At this moment for this 58,138 Km there’s no known plan. This 58,138 Km long railway has lots of small stations in almost all villages that are crossed by the railway, eg. the village of Carvalhais. The biggest and most beautiful train station it’s in the city of Mirandela. Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Considering the characteristics, the potential activities are cycling, walking, running and skating.   Credits: Duarte Belo Potential users are Pedestrians, Runners, Bikes and Mountain Bikes, Skaters or Roller Skaters. For the horse riders it will depend on the surface that they will put in the greenway in the future because a hard surface it will be bad of the horses. At this moment for this 58,138 Km there’s no known plan. This 58,138 Km long railway has lots of small stations in almost all villages that are crossed by the railway, eg. the village of Carvalhais. The biggest and most beautiful train station it’s in the city of Mirandela. This 58,138 Km long railway has lots of small stations in almost all villages that are crossed by the railway, eg. the village of Carvalhais. The biggest and most beautiful train station it’s in the city of Mirandela. This 58,138 Km long railway has lots of small stations in almost all villages that are crossed by the railway, eg. the village of Carvalhais. The biggest and most beautiful train station it’s in the city of Mirandela. This 58,138 Km long railway has lots of small stations in almost all villages that are crossed by the railway, eg. the village of Carvalhais. The biggest and most beautiful train station it’s in the city of Mirandela. Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Considering the characteristics, the potential activities are cycling, walking, running and skating.   Considering the characteristics, the potential activities are cycling, walking, running and skating.

Tua Railway (from Carvalhais till the Tua Station) Read More »

Ellera Corciano-Tavernelle Val Nestore Ex-railway

website: / website: / website: website: website: website: website: / / / / / Owner of the abandoned railway: Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) ( Italian railway infrastructure manager) Owner of the abandoned railway: Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) ( Italian railway infrastructure manager) Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) ( Italian railway infrastructure manager) Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) ( Italian railway infrastructure manager) Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) ( Italian railway infrastructure manager) Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) ( Italian railway infrastructure manager) Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) ( Italian railway infrastructure manager) gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: The Ellera-Tavernelle railway was single-track railway line that connected Ellera-Corciano station with Tavernelle, running for 21 km through the valley of the Nestore River. The line remained an isolated segment and was abandoned only 7 years after its activation. The railway track is characterized by short rectilinear sections with no particular difficulties. The original railway trackage has been almost completely dismantled. Many buildings and cantoniere houses have been sold to private individuals and local governments. The old path between the localities of Strozzacapponi and Capanne (3 km) has been converted into a greenway, by the realization of a bicycle and pedestrian path. In general local authorities show high interest in a potential re-use of the parts of the railway path still available. The ex railway line passed through the following municipalities: Ellera di Corciano, Marsciano, Piegaro and Panicale. Presence of 8 bridges. The Ellera-Tavernelle railway was single-track railway line that connected Ellera-Corciano station with Tavernelle, running for 21 km through the valley of the Nestore River. The line remained an isolated segment and was abandoned only 7 years after its activation. The railway track is characterized by short rectilinear sections with no particular difficulties. The original railway trackage has been almost completely dismantled. Many buildings and cantoniere houses have been sold to private individuals and local governments. The old path between the localities of Strozzacapponi and Capanne (3 km) has been converted into a greenway, by the realization of a bicycle and pedestrian path. In general local authorities show high interest in a potential re-use of the parts of the railway path still available. The ex railway line passed through the following municipalities: Ellera di Corciano, Marsciano, Piegaro and Panicale. Presence of 8 bridges. Total distance: 24548 mTotal climbing: 314 mTotal descent: -332 m Total distance: 24548 m Total distance: 24548 m Total climbing: 314 m Total climbing: 314 m Total descent: -332 m Total descent: -332 m The old railway crosses several villages. Visitors have the opportunity to extend their experience and visit more places: Corciano, a medieval hilltop town near Perugia, surrounded by nature and near Trasimeno Lake; Tavernelle with its buildings such as Madonna di Mongiovino Sanctuary and Collegiate Church of St. Michael; Castiglione della Valle that started out as a Benedictine monastery and then become a little village immersed in a sense of peace; Pietrafitta lake, an artificial lake, characterized by a rich fauna and archeology because of the numerous fossil remains found during the excavations. The lake has become a great attraction for hiking and fishing and it host the World carp fishing competition each year. Other relevant events : Umbria Jazz, that took place in Perugia in july; Corciano Festival that takes place in August and it is considered a small event dedicated to the visual arts, theater and music; Palio dei Somari, a little version of Siena Palio, but with donkeys that took place in Castiglione della Valle in September. The old railway crosses several villages. Visitors have the opportunity to extend their experience and visit more places: Corciano, a medieval hilltop town near Perugia, surrounded by nature and near Trasimeno Lake; Tavernelle with its buildings such as Madonna di Mongiovino Sanctuary and Collegiate Church of St. Michael; Castiglione della Valle that started out as a Benedictine monastery and then become a little village immersed in a sense of peace; Pietrafitta lake, an artificial lake, characterized by a rich fauna and archeology because of the numerous fossil remains found during the excavations. The lake has become a great attraction for hiking and fishing and it host the World carp fishing competition each year. Other relevant events : Umbria Jazz, that took place in Perugia in july; Corciano Festival that takes place in August and it is considered a small event dedicated to the visual arts, theater and music; Palio dei Somari, a little version of Siena Palio, but with donkeys that took place in Castiglione della Valle in September. The old railway crosses several villages. Visitors have the opportunity to extend their experience and visit more places: Corciano, a medieval hilltop town near Perugia, surrounded by nature and near Trasimeno Lake; Tavernelle with its buildings such as Madonna di Mongiovino Sanctuary and Collegiate Church of St. Michael; Castiglione della Valle that started out as a Benedictine monastery and then become a little village immersed in a sense of peace; Pietrafitta lake, an artificial lake, characterized by a rich fauna and archeology because of the numerous fossil remains found during the excavations. The lake has become a great attraction for hiking and fishing and it host the World carp fishing competition each year. Other relevant events : Umbria Jazz, that took place in Perugia in july; Corciano Festival that takes place in August and it is considered a small event dedicated to the visual arts, theater and music; Palio dei Somari, a little version of Siena Palio, but with donkeys that took place in Castiglione della Valle in September. Corciano Tavernelle Castiglione della Valle Pietrafitta lake The ex-railway could be suitable for a wide range of sports, such as cycling, running, walking and trekking. On the occasion of the 11th National Day of Ferrovie non Dimenticate, in 2018, many associations of the area organized the initiative Let’s Walk…Together. The event included

Ellera Corciano-Tavernelle Val Nestore Ex-railway Read More »

Lucca-Pontedera Bagni di Casciana ex-Railway

website: / website: / website: website: website: website: website: / / / / / Owner of the abandoned railway: Italian Railways of the State (Ferrovie dello Stato) Owner of the abandoned railway: Italian Railways of the State (Ferrovie dello Stato) Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Italian Railways of the State (Ferrovie dello Stato) Italian Railways of the State (Ferrovie dello Stato) Italian Railways of the State (Ferrovie dello Stato) Italian Railways of the State (Ferrovie dello Stato) Italian Railways of the State (Ferrovie dello Stato) gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: The Lucca – Pontedera ancient railway, a project of 25.3 km line long, was inaugurated in October 1928, after 6 years of works. During the Second World War the line was destroyed by bombing by the allies. Even if the line was largely rebuilt, in 1958 was officially abandoned. The track, generally covered by spontaneous vegetation, is not always visible. The line passed through the cities of: Lucca, Parezzana Toringo, San Leonardo-Sant’Andrea, San Ginese-Pieve di Compito, Colle di Compito,Buti-Cascine, Vicopisano-Bientina, Calcinaia, Pontedera. Many of the existing bridges have collapsed. In the old railway stations it is possible to admire several ruins, such as the Subalvea gallery, that passes under Visona Torrent. Near the city of Calcinaia, there is a bridge over the Arno river: 2 of 6 arches are still visible, the other 4 have been bombed. The third best-preserved work is a series of intersections near Via Pontemaggiore in San Leonardo in Treponzio: here there is an iron bridge over a river and a perfectly preserved arched bridge. The Lucca – Pontedera ancient railway, a project of 25.3 km line long, was inaugurated in October 1928, after 6 years of works. During the Second World War the line was destroyed by bombing by the allies. Even if the line was largely rebuilt, in 1958 was officially abandoned. The track, generally covered by spontaneous vegetation, is not always visible. The line passed through the cities of: Lucca, Parezzana Toringo, San Leonardo-Sant’Andrea, San Ginese-Pieve di Compito, Colle di Compito,Buti-Cascine, Vicopisano-Bientina, Calcinaia, Pontedera. Many of the existing bridges have collapsed. In the old railway stations it is possible to admire several ruins, such as the Subalvea gallery, that passes under Visona Torrent. Near the city of Calcinaia, there is a bridge over the Arno river: 2 of 6 arches are still visible, the other 4 have been bombed. The third best-preserved work is a series of intersections near Via Pontemaggiore in San Leonardo in Treponzio: here there is an iron bridge over a river and a perfectly preserved arched bridge. Total distance: 37548 mTotal climbing: 0 mTotal descent: 0 m Total distance: 37548 m Total distance: 37548 m Total climbing: 0 m Total climbing: 0 m Total descent: 0 m Total descent: 0 m The old abandoned railway passes through many interesting cities, among them: Lucca, one of the most fascinating and best-preserved mediaeval cities in Italy, Pontedera and Calcinaia, 2 small towns that are 3 km distant from each other; Vicopisano, Italian town located between the course of the Arno, famous for the Fortress of Brunelleschi; Medieval town Bientina. The most important festivals in the area are: Medieval Festival of Vicopisano, in September Lucca Comics, between October and November Palio Of Bientina, in July Another point of interest in the area is Lake Gherardesca, located in an area of Castelvecchio di Compito, in Capannori. The area of the lake is ideal for excursions, walks, birdwatching and nature photography. have a peek at these guys The old abandoned railway passes through many interesting cities, among them: Lucca, one of the most fascinating and best-preserved mediaeval cities in Italy, Pontedera and Calcinaia, 2 small towns that are 3 km distant from each other; Vicopisano, Italian town located between the course of the Arno, famous for the Fortress of Brunelleschi; Medieval town Bientina. The most important festivals in the area are: Medieval Festival of Vicopisano, in September Lucca Comics, between October and November Palio Of Bientina, in July Another point of interest in the area is Lake Gherardesca, located in an area of Castelvecchio di Compito, in Capannori. The area of the lake is ideal for excursions, walks, birdwatching and nature photography. Medieval Festival of Vicopisano, in September Lucca Comics, between October and November Palio Of Bientina, in July Medieval Festival of Vicopisano, in September Lucca Comics, between October and November Palio Of Bientina, in July Credits: Matteo Bini Credits: Matteo Bini Credits: Matteo Bini Credits: Matteo Bini Credits: Matteo Bini Credits: Matteo Bini Credits: Matteo Bini Credits: Matteo Bini The ex-railway could be suitable for carrying out plenty of sports and activities that can keep people entertained: Hiking, cycling, natural and educational excursions, walking and trekking and running, In the ecological reserve “Gherardesca’s lake, near Monte Pisano, some organizations organize trekking activities and walking routes to discover the biodiversity of the lake and the beauty of the area. The ex-railway could be suitable for carrying out plenty of sports and activities that can keep people entertained: Hiking, cycling, natural and educational excursions, walking and trekking and running, In the ecological reserve “Gherardesca’s lake, near Monte Pisano, some organizations organize trekking activities and walking routes to discover the biodiversity of the lake and the beauty of the area. Credits: Matteo Bini Credits: Matteo Bini Credits: Matteo Bini Credits: Matteo Bini According to the potential greenway project, pedestrians, bike and mountain bike will be able to use the track. The itinerary is quite easy and passes through secondary asphalt roads, dirt roads sometimes with uneven surface. For this reason, at the moment the track is not equipped for people with reduced mobility. The overall objective of the potential reconversion project Lucca-Pontedera tourist cycleway is the promotion of the Tuscan area and the connection between local businesses, gastronomic traditions and the environmental value. The goal of the project is the

Lucca-Pontedera Bagni di Casciana ex-Railway Read More »

Zlaté Moravce – Lužianky railway

website: website: website: website: website: Owner of the abandoned railway: Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Owner of the abandoned railway: Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: There are 6 stations between Lužianky and Zlaté Moravce (Drážovce, Podhorany, Žirany, Jelenec, Ladice, Sľažany). It simultaneously crosses the flat area of south Slovakia and also the hilly area of central Slovakia (Tribeč mountains). There are several bridges over the railway, viaducts on the rail too. There is a bridge over the river Nitra. There are 6 stations between Lužianky and Zlaté Moravce (Drážovce, Podhorany, Žirany, Jelenec, Ladice, Sľažany). It simultaneously crosses the flat area of south Slovakia and also the hilly area of central Slovakia (Tribeč mountains). There are several bridges over the railway, viaducts on the rail too. There is a bridge over the river Nitra. There are 6 stations between Lužianky and Zlaté Moravce (Drážovce, Podhorany, Žirany, Jelenec, Ladice, Sľažany). It simultaneously crosses the flat area of south Slovakia and also the hilly area of central Slovakia (Tribeč mountains). There are several bridges over the railway, viaducts on the rail too. There is a bridge over the river Nitra. There are 6 stations between Lužianky and Zlaté Moravce (Drážovce, Podhorany, Žirany, Jelenec, Ladice, Sľažany). It simultaneously crosses the flat area of south Slovakia and also the hilly area of central Slovakia (Tribeč mountains). There are several bridges over the railway, viaducts on the rail too. There is a bridge over the river Nitra. Total distance: 32231 mTotal climbing: 175 mTotal descent: -145 m Total distance: 32231 m Total distance: 32231 m Total climbing: 175 m Total climbing: 175 m Total descent: -145 m Total descent: -145 m Tribeč area offers many interesting hiking paths close to the city Nitra and can be accessible from the railway.  Tribeč is also very popular with mountain bikers since there are a lot of paths interweaving the hills. Intermodality: Lužianky station can be reached from Nitra by train and the train station is directly next to the bus station in Nitra. In Zlaté Moravce, stations are within 1,2 km from each other. Credits: Considering the characteristics, the main activities are: cycling, walking, running, trekking, nordic walking, hiking, skating, mountain biking. Credits: Since the railway is located in a flat area of the country mostly in a close proximity to the river Váh, it could be potentially visited by all people, even with reduced mobility. There is no steep incline and it should be accessible by anyone. There is no plan in action at the moment. Passenger transport was cancelled, it may still be used for cargo transport. Tribeč area offers many interesting hiking paths close to the city Nitra and can be accessible from the railway.  Tribeč is also very popular with mountain bikers since there are a lot of paths interweaving the hills. Intermodality: Lužianky station can be reached from Nitra by train and the train station is directly next to the bus station in Nitra. In Zlaté Moravce, stations are within 1,2 km from each other. Credits: Considering the characteristics, the main activities are: cycling, walking, running, trekking, nordic walking, hiking, skating, mountain biking. Credits: Since the railway is located in a flat area of the country mostly in a close proximity to the river Váh, it could be potentially visited by all people, even with reduced mobility. There is no steep incline and it should be accessible by anyone. There is no plan in action at the moment. Passenger transport was cancelled, it may still be used for cargo transport. Tribeč area offers many interesting hiking paths close to the city Nitra and can be accessible from the railway.  Tribeč is also very popular with mountain bikers since there are a lot of paths interweaving the hills. Intermodality: Lužianky station can be reached from Nitra by train and the train station is directly next to the bus station in Nitra. In Zlaté Moravce, stations are within 1,2 km from each other. Credits: Considering the characteristics, the main activities are: cycling, walking, running, trekking, nordic walking, hiking, skating, mountain biking. Credits: Since the railway is located in a flat area of the country mostly in a close proximity to the river Váh, it could be potentially visited by all people, even with reduced mobility. There is no steep incline and it should be accessible by anyone. There is no plan in action at the moment. Passenger transport was cancelled, it may still be used for cargo transport. Tribeč area offers many interesting hiking paths close to the city Nitra and can be accessible from the railway.  Tribeč is also very popular with mountain bikers since there are a lot of paths interweaving the hills. Intermodality: Lužianky station can be reached from Nitra by train and the train station is directly next to the bus station in Nitra. In Zlaté Moravce, stations are within 1,2 km from each other. Credits: Considering the characteristics, the main activities are: cycling, walking, running, trekking, nordic walking, hiking, skating, mountain biking. Credits: Since the railway is located in a flat area of the country mostly in a close proximity to the river Váh, it could be potentially visited by all people, even with reduced mobility. There is no steep incline and it should be accessible by anyone. There is no plan in action at the moment. Passenger transport was cancelled, it may still be used for cargo transport. Tribeč area offers many interesting hiking paths close to the city Nitra and can be accessible from the railway.  Tribeč is also very popular with

Zlaté Moravce – Lužianky railway Read More »

Nitrianske Pravno – Prievidza Railway

website: website: website: website: website: Owner of the abandoned railway: Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Owner of the abandoned railway: Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) . gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: The majority of the railway passes fields and a flat area of the country. Besides Nitrianske Pravno and Prievidza, it crossed only two other municipalities with stations in Nedožery any Pravenec. There is a tunnel over river Nitra near Pravenec village. The majority of the railway passes fields and a flat area of the country. Besides Nitrianske Pravno and Prievidza, it crossed only two other municipalities with stations in Nedožery any Pravenec. There is a tunnel over river Nitra near Pravenec village. The majority of the railway passes fields and a flat area of the country. Besides Nitrianske Pravno and Prievidza, it crossed only two other municipalities with stations in Nedožery any Pravenec. There is a tunnel over river Nitra near Pravenec village. The majority of the railway passes fields and a flat area of the country. Besides Nitrianske Pravno and Prievidza, it crossed only two other municipalities with stations in Nedožery any Pravenec. There is a tunnel over river Nitra near Pravenec village. Total distance: 10272 mTotal climbing: 78 mTotal descent: -2 m Total distance: 10272 m Total distance: 10272 m Total climbing: 78 m Total climbing: 78 m Total descent: -2 m Total descent: -2 m Intermodality: Bus station in Prievidza is located next to the train station and in Nitrianske Pravno, the distance from the bus stop is only 8 minutes on foot (750 m). There are a couple cycling paths crossing Nitrianske Pravno which can be easily accessed (Bojnický cyklookruh, Pravnianska radiála, Ponitrianska cyklomagistrála II. In Prievidza, people can visit the Motive power depot, which was marked as a national cultural monument. It is the most preserved depot in Slovakia with exhibitions of original technical equipment. Intermodality: Bus station in Prievidza is located next to the train station and in Nitrianske Pravno, the distance from the bus stop is only 8 minutes on foot (750 m). There are a couple cycling paths crossing Nitrianske Pravno which can be easily accessed (Bojnický cyklookruh, Pravnianska radiála, Ponitrianska cyklomagistrála II. In Prievidza, people can visit the Motive power depot, which was marked as a national cultural monument. It is the most preserved depot in Slovakia with exhibitions of original technical equipment. Intermodality: Bus station in Prievidza is located next to the train station and in Nitrianske Pravno, the distance from the bus stop is only 8 minutes on foot (750 m). Intermodality: Bus station in Prievidza is located next to the train station and in Nitrianske Pravno, the distance from the bus stop is only 8 minutes on foot (750 m). There are a couple cycling paths crossing Nitrianske Pravno which can be easily accessed (Bojnický cyklookruh, Pravnianska radiála, Ponitrianska cyklomagistrála II. There are a couple cycling paths crossing Nitrianske Pravno which can be easily accessed (Bojnický cyklookruh, Pravnianska radiála, Ponitrianska cyklomagistrála II. In Prievidza, people can visit the Motive power depot, which was marked as a national cultural monument. It is the most preserved depot in Slovakia with exhibitions of original technical equipment. In Prievidza, people can visit the Motive power depot, which was marked as a national cultural monument. It is the most preserved depot in Slovakia with exhibitions of original technical equipment. Considering the characteristics, the main activities are: cycling, walking, running, trekking, nordic walking, hiking, skating. Considering the characteristics, the main activities are: cycling, walking, running, trekking, nordic walking, hiking, skating. Considering the characteristics, the main activities are: cycling, walking, running, trekking, nordic walking, hiking, skating. Considering the characteristics, the main activities are: cycling, walking, running, trekking, nordic walking, hiking, skating. Since the railway is located in a flat area of the country, it could be potentially visited by all people, even with reduced mobility. There is no steep incline and it should be accessible by anyone. At the moment, passenger transportation is cancelled on the railway but very rarely it is used to access the quarry in Žirany. No greenway conversion action plan is in place. Since the railway is located in a flat area of the country, it could be potentially visited by all people, even with reduced mobility. There is no steep incline and it should be accessible by anyone. At the moment, passenger transportation is cancelled on the railway but very rarely it is used to access the quarry in Žirany. No greenway conversion action plan is in place. Since the railway is located in a flat area of the country, it could be potentially visited by all people, even with reduced mobility. There is no steep incline and it should be accessible by anyone. Since the railway is located in a flat area of the country, it could be potentially visited by all people, even with reduced mobility. There is no steep incline and it should be accessible by anyone. At the moment, passenger transportation is cancelled on the railway but very rarely it is used to access the quarry in Žirany. No greenway conversion action plan is in place. At the moment, passenger transportation is cancelled on the railway but very rarely it is used to access the quarry in Žirany. No greenway conversion action plan is in place.

Nitrianske Pravno – Prievidza Railway Read More »

Komárno – Kolárovo railway

website: website: website: website: website: Owner of the abandoned railway: Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Owner of the abandoned railway: Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) view details Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) Slovak Republic Railways (Železnice Slovenskej republiky) gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: The old railway passes through the southern region of Slovakia and is surrounded by vegetation and fields. River Váh flows in a close proximity to the railway with its tributaries. The railway passes 7 stations between Komárno and Kolárovo (Komárno school, Hadovce, Kameničná, Balvany, Čalovec, Violín, Kráľka). There is a bridge that crosses the Komárňanský Cannal and part of the railway goes alongside a small nature reserve SEV Dropie. Another bridge crosses the Kolárovo-Kameničná stream between Čalovec and Balvany stations. The old railway passes through the southern region of Slovakia and is surrounded by vegetation and fields. River Váh flows in a close proximity to the railway with its tributaries. The railway passes 7 stations between Komárno and Kolárovo (Komárno school, Hadovce, Kameničná, Balvany, Čalovec, Violín, Kráľka). There is a bridge that crosses the Komárňanský Cannal and part of the railway goes alongside a small nature reserve SEV Dropie. Another bridge crosses the Kolárovo-Kameničná stream between Čalovec and Balvany stations. The old railway passes through the southern region of Slovakia and is surrounded by vegetation and fields. River Váh flows in a close proximity to the railway with its tributaries. The railway passes 7 stations between Komárno and Kolárovo (Komárno school, Hadovce, Kameničná, Balvany, Čalovec, Violín, Kráľka). There is a bridge that crosses the Komárňanský Cannal and part of the railway goes alongside a small nature reserve SEV Dropie. Another bridge crosses the Kolárovo-Kameničná stream between Čalovec and Balvany stations. The old railway passes through the southern region of Slovakia and is surrounded by vegetation and fields. River Váh flows in a close proximity to the railway with its tributaries. The railway passes 7 stations between Komárno and Kolárovo (Komárno school, Hadovce, Kameničná, Balvany, Čalovec, Violín, Kráľka). There is a bridge that crosses the Komárňanský Cannal and part of the railway goes alongside a small nature reserve SEV Dropie. Another bridge crosses the Kolárovo-Kameničná stream between Čalovec and Balvany stations. Total distance: 25849 mTotal climbing: 21 mTotal descent: -25 m Total distance: 25849 m Total distance: 25849 m Total climbing: 21 m Total climbing: 21 m Total descent: -25 m Total descent: -25 m Near Kolárovo, there are old water mills which have been transformed into a Museum of windmills (Múzeum vodného mlynárstva, Lodný mlyn Kolárovo). Part of the railway goes alongside a small nature reserve SEV Dropie.  There already exists one cycle route between those two towns and the municipalities, but this path goes along the river Váh from the other side of the river. Intermodality: Bus station Komárno is located right next to the train station which makes transport to and from the railway very convenient. In Kolárovo, the bus station in app. 1,2 km from the train station and it is possible to reach it on foot. Near Kolárovo, there are old water mills which have been transformed into a Museum of windmills (Múzeum vodného mlynárstva, Lodný mlyn Kolárovo). Part of the railway goes alongside a small nature reserve SEV Dropie.  There already exists one cycle route between those two towns and the municipalities, but this path goes along the river Váh from the other side of the river. Intermodality: Bus station Komárno is located right next to the train station which makes transport to and from the railway very convenient. In Kolárovo, the bus station in app. 1,2 km from the train station and it is possible to reach it on foot. Near Kolárovo, there are old water mills which have been transformed into a Museum of windmills (Múzeum vodného mlynárstva, Lodný mlyn Kolárovo). Part of the railway goes alongside a small nature reserve SEV Dropie.  Near Kolárovo, there are old water mills which have been transformed into a Museum of windmills (Múzeum vodného mlynárstva, Lodný mlyn Kolárovo). Part of the railway goes alongside a small nature reserve SEV Dropie.  There already exists one cycle route between those two towns and the municipalities, but this path goes along the river Váh from the other side of the river. There already exists one cycle route between those two towns and the municipalities, but this path goes along the river Váh from the other side of the river. Intermodality: Intermodality: Bus station Komárno is located right next to the train station which makes transport to and from the railway very convenient. In Kolárovo, the bus station in app. 1,2 km from the train station and it is possible to reach it on foot. Bus station Komárno is located right next to the train station which makes transport to and from the railway very convenient. In Kolárovo, the bus station in app. 1,2 km from the train station and it is possible to reach it on foot. Considering the characteristics, the main activities are: cycling, walking, running, trekking, nordic walking, hiking, skating. Considering the characteristics, the main activities are: cycling, walking, running, trekking, nordic walking, hiking, skating. Considering the characteristics, the main activities are: cycling, walking, running, trekking, nordic walking, hiking, skating. Considering the characteristics, the main activities are: c ycling, walking, running, trekking, nordic walking, hiking, skating. Since the railway is located in a flat area of the country, it could be potentially visited by all people, even with reduced mobility. There is no steep incline and it should be accessible by anyone. At the moment, there is no effective plan for transforming this abandoned railway into a GW., since there is already an existing cycling path between Komárno and Kolárovo, on the

Komárno – Kolárovo railway Read More »

The Dobermannsdorf – Loidesthal

website: website: website: website: website: Owner of the abandoned railway: State of Lower Austria Owner of the abandoned railway: State of Lower Austria Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: State of Lower Austria State of Lower Austria State of Lower Austria State of Lower Austria State of Lower Austria gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: The potential greenway with a total distance of around 15 kilometers along the former railway line. The villages of Palterndorf, Dobermannsdorf, Gösting, Zistersdorf, Eichhorn, Loidesthal, Blumenthal, Windisch-Baumgarten, Großinzersdorf and Gaiselberg will be integrated into the cycle path network. The potential greenway with a total distance of around 15 kilometers along the former railway line. The villages of Palterndorf, Dobermannsdorf, Gösting, Zistersdorf, Eichhorn, Loidesthal, Blumenthal, Windisch-Baumgarten, Großinzersdorf and Gaiselberg will be integrated into the cycle path network. The potential greenway with a total distance of around 15 kilometers along the former railway line. The villages of Palterndorf, Dobermannsdorf, Gösting, Zistersdorf, Eichhorn, Loidesthal, Blumenthal, Windisch-Baumgarten, Großinzersdorf and Gaiselberg will be integrated into the cycle path network. site Total distance: 6436 mTotal climbing: 0 mTotal descent: 0 m Total distance: 6436 m Total distance: 6436 m Total climbing: 0 m Total climbing: 0 m Total descent: 0 m Total descent: 0 m The connections to the international Eurovelo9 and the Kamp-Thaya-March-Radweg (KTM): There is a direct connection between the new cycling facility and the regional “Muskateller” and “Traminer” cycle routes, as well as the connection to the international cycle route Eurovelo 9 from Vienna to Breclav and to the Lower Austrian main cycle route Kamp-Thaya-March-Radweg. These connections indicate that the new greenway, cycle path or special heritage will be linked to existing cycling routes and this will provide more options for recreational cycling and tourism. Retrieved from Google Maps. Unused railway station on Dobermannsdorf Retrieved from Google Maps. Unused railway station on Dobermannsdorf Retrieved from Google Maps. Unused railway station on Dobermannsdorf Retrieved from Google Maps. Unused railway station on Dobermannsdorf Retrieved from Google Maps. Unused railway station on Dobermannsdorf Retrieved from Google Maps. Unused railway station on Dobermannsdorf Retrieved from Google Maps. Unused railway station on Dobermannsdorf Retrieved from Google Maps. Unused railway station on Dobermannsdorf The railway between Dobermannsdorf and Loidesthal is planned to be repurposed as a greenway, offering a variety of sport and leisure activities such as cycling, walking, hiking, rollerblading, skateboarding, wildlife and nature observation and picnics. The greenway will also connect different villages and communities, providing a safe and scenic route for visitors and locals. It will also be connected to existing cycling routes, offering more options for recreational cycling and tourism. There are also tourist attraction centers on the former railway line such as Wehrturm, Memorial Park Kriegerdenkmal bei Wallfahrtskirche Maria Moos, Weinpresse Hauerbaum. (The touristic areas on the route were researched on Google earth.) The railway between Dobermannsdorf and Loidesthal is planned to be repurposed as a greenway, offering a variety of sport and leisure activities such as cycling, walking, hiking, rollerblading, skateboarding, wildlife and nature observation and picnics. The greenway will also connect different villages and communities, providing a safe and scenic route for visitors and locals. It will also be connected to existing cycling routes, offering more options for recreational cycling and tourism. There are also tourist attraction centers on the former railway line such as Wehrturm, Memorial Park Kriegerdenkmal bei Wallfahrtskirche Maria Moos, Weinpresse Hauerbaum. (The touristic areas on the route were researched on Google earth.) The railway between Dobermannsdorf and Loidesthal is planned to be repurposed as a greenway, offering a variety of sport and leisure activities such as cycling, walking, hiking, rollerblading, skateboarding, wildlife and nature observation and picnics. The greenway will also connect different villages and communities, providing a safe and scenic route for visitors and locals. It will also be connected to existing cycling routes, offering more options for recreational cycling and tourism. There are also tourist attraction centers on the former railway line such as Wehrturm, Memorial Park Kriegerdenkmal bei Wallfahrtskirche Maria Moos, Weinpresse Hauerbaum. (The touristic areas on the route were researched on Google earth.) (The touristic areas on the route were researched on Google earth.) Potential users of the railway greenway include local residents, cyclists, walkers/hikers, rollerbladers/ skateboarders, families, nature enthusiasts, and tourists. The greenway offers safe, convenient, and scenic options for transportation, recreation, and nature observation. The municipality of Zistersdorf, the market town of Palterndorf – Dobermannsdorf and the state of Lower Austria have decided to expand the no longer used railway line between the two municipalities for cyclists and thus connect the municipalities. Potential users of the railway greenway include local residents, cyclists, walkers/hikers, rollerbladers/ skateboarders, families, nature enthusiasts, and tourists. The greenway offers safe, convenient, and scenic options for transportation, recreation, and nature observation. The municipality of Zistersdorf, the market town of Palterndorf – Dobermannsdorf and the state of Lower Austria have decided to expand the no longer used railway line between the two municipalities for cyclists and thus connect the municipalities. Potential users of the railway greenway include local residents, cyclists, walkers/hikers, rollerbladers/ skateboarders, families, nature enthusiasts, and tourists. The greenway offers safe, convenient, and scenic options for transportation, recreation, and nature observation. The municipality of Zistersdorf, the market town of Palterndorf – Dobermannsdorf and the state of Lower Austria have decided to expand the no longer used railway line between the two municipalities for cyclists and thus connect the municipalities.

The Dobermannsdorf – Loidesthal Read More »

Hainfeld – Weißenbach an der Triesting, part of the LeobersdorferBahn that connected the Triestingtal and the Gölsental

website: website: website: website: website: Owner of the abandoned railway: The Lower Austrian Southwest Railways (NÖSWB) Owner of the abandoned railway: The Lower Austrian Southwest Railways (NÖSWB) Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: Owner of the abandoned railway: The Lower Austrian Southwest Railways (NÖSWB) The Lower Austrian Southwest Railways (NÖSWB) The Lower Austrian Southwest Railways (NÖSWB) The Lower Austrian Southwest Railways (NÖSWB) The Lower Austrian Southwest Railways (NÖSWB) gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: products gpx file: The railway line called “Weissenbach-Hainfeld” was opened in 1877 and was part of the Lower Austrian Southwest Railways (NÖSWB). It was almost 25 km long and was a single-track line with 3 intermediate stations, Altenmarkt-Thenneberg, Kaumberg, and court mountain and also had other stops, Kaumberg Markt, Altenmarkt an der Triesting, Tasshof, and Eberbach-Hocheck. The railway line was closed in 2004 and the tracks have been dismantled since 2015. One of the railway heritage of this railway is the concrete bridge over Hainfelder Straße (B18) over the Triesting at kilometer 28. Another important heritage of this railway is the Altenmarkt-Thenneberg station, located at kilometer 26.4 which had three through tracks and a short dead end track to the west, whose switch can be seen in front of the station building. Along the route, the bridge over the Triesting at kilometer 19.8 is also relatively new and it’s an important part of the railway heritage. Additionally, the Alter Gerichtsberg Tunnel and the Gerstbach Brücke are other significant heritage of this railway that are still preserved today. The railway line called “Weissenbach-Hainfeld” was opened in 1877 and was part of the Lower Austrian Southwest Railways (NÖSWB). It was almost 25 km long and was a single-track line with 3 intermediate stations, Altenmarkt-Thenneberg, Kaumberg, and court mountain and also had other stops, Kaumberg Markt, Altenmarkt an der Triesting, Tasshof, and Eberbach-Hocheck. The railway line was closed in 2004 and the tracks have been dismantled since 2015. One of the railway heritage of this railway is the concrete bridge over Hainfelder Straße (B18) over the Triesting at kilometer 28. Another important heritage of this railway is the Altenmarkt-Thenneberg station, located at kilometer 26.4 which had three through tracks and a short dead end track to the west, whose switch can be seen in front of the station building. Along the route, the bridge over the Triesting at kilometer 19.8 is also relatively new and it’s an important part of the railway heritage. Additionally, the Alter Gerichtsberg Tunnel and the Gerstbach Brücke are other significant heritage of this railway that are still preserved today. Total distance: 23818 mTotal climbing: 0 mTotal descent: 0 m Total distance: 23818 m Total distance: 23818 m Total climbing: 0 m Total climbing: 0 m Total descent: 0 m Total descent: 0 m Horse breeding farm along the route: Part of the Triesting Gölsental cycle route If the former railway line were to be converted into a greenway or cycle path, it could be used for a variety of sport and leisure activities. The relatively flat and smooth surface of the former railway line, along with its winding route through the mountainous region of the Triestingtal, would make it an ideal location for cycling. It could be used by both recreational and more serious cyclists for exercise, sightseeing, and commuting. The greenway or cycle path could also be used for hiking and walking. The winding route through the mountainous region of the Triestingtal would provide a scenic and relatively easy path for these activities. The route would provide a scenic and relatively easy walk through the mountainous region and could be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. Also, it could be a great opportunity for nature watching, birdwatching, wildlife observation, horseback riding, providing an opportunity for equestrian enthusiasts to explore the area on horseback. Additionally, it could also be used for rollerblading, skateboarding, scootering, and in line skating. If the former railway line were to be converted into a greenway or cycle path, it could be used for a variety of sport and leisure activities. The relatively flat and smooth surface of the former railway line, along with its winding route through the mountainous region of the Triestingtal, would make it an ideal location for cycling. It could be used by both recreational and more serious cyclists for exercise, sightseeing, and commuting. The greenway or cycle path could also be used for hiking and walking. The winding route through the mountainous region of the Triestingtal would provide a scenic and relatively easy path for these activities. The route would provide a scenic and relatively easy walk through the mountainous region and could be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. Also, it could be a great opportunity for nature watching, birdwatching, wildlife observation, horseback riding, providing an opportunity for equestrian enthusiasts to explore the area on horseback. Additionally, it could also be used for rollerblading, skateboarding, scootering, and in line skating. If the former railway line from Weissenbach to Hainfeld via the court mountain were to be converted into a greenway or cycle path, it could be used by a variety of potential users such as recreational and serious cyclists, hikers and walkers, nature enthusiasts, equestrian enthusiasts, families, tourists, rollerblading, skateboarding, Scootering enthusiasts for leisure, exercise, transportation, nature watching, birdwatching, wildlife observation, and as a destination for tourists. The success and popularity of the greenway or cycle path will depend on a variety of factors including location, accessibility, safety, and maintenance. (

Hainfeld – Weißenbach an der Triesting, part of the LeobersdorferBahn that connected the Triestingtal and the Gölsental Read More »

Local train Siedenbrunn-Engelhartstetten

website: Wikipedia Owner of the abandoned railway: The Lower Austrian State Railways / Niederösterreichische Landesbahnen gpx file: download The Local train Siebenbrunn-Engelhartstetten was a narrow-gauge railway line operated in Austria; it was built in 1894 and closed in 1955. According to its Wikipedia page, the railway had several notable heritage features, such as tunnels, bridges, and stations. The Engelhartstetten Tunnel, which is almost 600 meters long, is one of Austria’s longest narrow-gauge railway tunnels. The Siebenbrunner Viaduct, which spans the Wien River, is regarded as a technological marvel of its era. The railway’s main station, Siebenbrunn, was equipped with a turntable, workshops, and a water tower. ( to a tourism website, the route of this railway has several worth-seeing features, including the Siebenbrunn station, which is preserved as a museum, the Siebenbrunner Viaduct, a technical masterpiece that spans the Wien River, and the scenic countryside of Lower Austria offering picturesque views. ( Railway line: 188 / Siebenbrunn-Leopoldsdorf – Breitenstetten – Engelhardtstetten; 22 km (1435 mm) and 189 / Breitenstetten – Orth ad Donau 6 km (1435 mm) Route:            Leopoldsdorf – Breitstetten – Orth and Engelhartstetten – Loimersdorf – Kopfstetten Route length (single): About 13.4 km Surface: asph. (Width: 3m) In Orth an der Donau, there are the famous schlossORTH and museumORTH. In addition, the market town of Engelhartstetten is home to the two most prominent Baroque palaces: Schloss Hof and Niederweiden Palace. ( Credits: Herbert Ortner, 1992. The railway route passed through the scenic countryside of Lower Austria, offering picturesque views of the surrounding landscape. Given this information, it’s likely that the former railway route could be used for a variety of sport and leisure activities:   Hiking: The railway route passes through the countryside of Lower Austria, which is known for its beautiful landscape and countryside, this could make the region an attractive destination for hiking. Cycling: Since the railway is closed, the tracks could be converted into a cycling trail, allowing people to bike through the picturesque landscape of Lower Austria. Heritage and Cultural Tours: The railway had several notable heritage features, such as tunnels, bridges, and stations, which could be visited as part of a heritage or cultural tour. Photography: The railway route passes through the scenic countryside of Lower Austria, offering picturesque views of the surrounding landscape. It could be used for photography enthusiasts. Credits: Herbert Ortner, 2016. Potencial activities are hiking, cycling, ecological and educational excursions, walking and trekking, and jogging are just a few of the sports and activities that might be carried out on the former railway. Parts of the road were reopened as a pedestrian and cycling path in 2019. On May 25, 2019, the Kopfstetten-Loimersdorf-Engelhartstetten segment opens. The Leopoldsdorf-Breitstetten-Orth segment opened a week later, on June 2, 2019.

Local train Siedenbrunn-Engelhartstetten Read More »